Wednesday, March 23, 2011

I Would Die For That

Today, I saw this video posted on a friend's Facebook page (thanks, LW). My friend and her partner recently adopted a beautiful baby boy. Like us, her child is everything to her. I don't know if it is just some of us, but I completely get the meaning behind this song that she would die to be a mother.

Obviously, not everyone wants to be a mother, and not everyone can choose to parent given their life circumstances. I know some people don't get what this women is singing. Just like I don't get when I hear women say they love to be pregnant. I totally understand the desire to become a parent, whether through biology or adoption, but who in their right mind loves being pregnant? Totally foreign concept to me, but I know a lot of women feel it. It is just not in me, which is probably why I didn't get pregnant when I tried for a year. We are all different.

I am so truly grateful, that despite our many shortcomings, God placed within Lisa and me this passion for our child, and future children. I think we were both surprised by how important our role as parents is for us. From the very moment Maggie was placed into our lives, there was no going back. My role as mother was the most amazingly, wonderful role God has given me.

Despite the shit that we sometimes endure (like yesterday), it is our role as parents, our strength in family, and the beauty of a child that makes life worth living. We never would have known that had we not traveled down this path toward open adoption. We thank God and our birthmother everyday for allowing us to parent an amazing child, and we pray God brings another child to us to parent who we expect will be equally amazing in their own way.

Recently, a friend of mine argued with me about my work when I said being a mother was more important to me. It is not that I don't love my work, but being a mother is sooooo much more important to me. I know enough to know that in the end, whether working or not, I will have helped people in this life, and for that I will feel good about myself. But, having children, helping mold them into happy, good people, that is the most important calling for me. And that is not to pass judgment on anyone else who feels differently about themselves.

When I am sipping pina coladas on the beach in Hawaii in my retirement, I hope more than anything, I will look back on my life and feel good about the work I did as a parent. And I hope I have the type of relationship with my children that they will want to visit us often!

Love to you all!

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